Feb 11, 2008
Paul Boupha

I had a dream about Battlestar Galactica last night, and it has reinstated my angst for the season premiere on April 4th. Attention: a nerdy entry will soon follow.

I saw Lee Adama and Kara Thrace among normal surroundings, in a type of Neapolitan apartment in New York or some other densely populated city. I assume it was either Earth or Caprica, who knows. But everyone had looked changed and older. At first I thought that I had glimpsed the final outcome of the series, but then each of these characters kept looking in the mirror, unfulfilled with themselves. Lee in particular stared at his reflection in the mirror and gave a dramatic soliloquy on how the world is not what it appears and how he remembered a life far different than the one he was living. This brought me to parallel this dream with an episode of ‘Lost’ where Desmond remembers events from the future while he is reliving his past. If this were the case for Lee Adama in my dream, then that would have made the scenario all the more cooler.

The tone had dark yet vibrant colors, there was a high contrast that gave everything a surreal effect. Even the tribal-celtic music was featured in the background making the entire experience feel like a big commercial for Scifi, advertising that the world was so much more than it seemed. In the end, I woke up with a heightened yearning to watch the series again. Writer’s strike will soon end, it it hasn’t already. I am so hyped up about April 4th ~ this is truly the only show that I’m obsessed with this season.

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PAUL BOUPHA |王志明 | อัศวิน

001. hometown: las vegas, nevada
002. current: new york city, new york
003. univ. of washington: business degree 2009
004. career: senior ad exec turned copywriter