Browsing articles in "Winter 2013"
Mar 18, 2013
Paul Boupha

30-Day Blog Challenge: 05

Day 05: Something in life that gives you balance.
If anything my life suffers from a lack of balance, an imbalance that is costing me my full potential. I guess I had never really thought about it before being prompted this question. My life has always been a juggling act between work, education, being social, and keeping up with my physical appearance. At one moment, I can feel an extreme high from one of those characteristics but then become elated or deflated by another. Never is there calm or equilibrium. Being steadily satisfied is unheard of.

Through this introspection, I am forced to ask myself if this is normal. Do others posses something that anchors them and gives them purpose? Is what I’m missing: Love?

Mar 14, 2013
Paul Boupha

30-Day Blog Challenge: 04

Day 04: Something that is part of your routine that you enjoy.
I’m proud yet at the same time ashamed at how much yet little I exercise. Way to accomplish the most contradictory sentence in this blog’s history. Any way. During the past few years, I have been dedicating myself more to being in shape. By no means am I a really fit athlete with a bangin’ body, but I am leaps and bounds beyond the condition I ever was growing up. I’m happy for that, and I never want to go back to being the extremely skinny and lanky kid everyone always made fun of.

I can still remember to this day how everyone would comment, “Paul. You’re so skinny.” They would grab my arms and wrist, shaking them as they made their hurtful remarks. It would enrage and confuse me. I questioned how people felt it appropriate to do such things when they were so vehemently against picking on overweight people. Who in their right mind would grab someone’s belly fat and say “My, you’ve gotten fat!” Just one of the double-standards in our society…

Yet, I’m thankful for those times being over. Although still skinny, I don’t get those types of comments anymore. I’ve bulked up enough to avoid it. I hate working out, but I enjoy the fruits of my hard labor. All in all, I’m not yet at the point I want to be. I could stand to gain another 10-15 pounds and am working to do so in this very year. It’s possible if I continue to routinely balance my health/nutrition, education, and social life properly. This will take a lot of discipline in which I’ve worked so hard thus far to cultivate.

Mar 13, 2013
Paul Boupha

30-Day Blog Challenge: 03

Day 03: Something with which you struggle.
There are many things off the top of mind in which I struggle with. My eczema, my workout schedule, my temper, my financial budget, and the list goes on. As I sit endlessly compiling the list, I can’t help but think to myself, “Damn. You’ve got a lot of issues, dude.” But when I really think about it, what man goes through life without complaints? In fact, if you were to live a complacent life, how could you improve? Thinking you’re perfect is a character flaw in and of itself.

Several weeks ago, I wrote a mantra and posted it on my wall:
“Embrace that your life in imperfect. Only then can you start to live it.”

I was inspired to write that after contemplating on why I had been so stressed in the past, thus driving me to unhealthy anger. Essentially, I was being too hard on myself and thus realized that in moments of such frustration, I should just “fuck it all.” I can’t control everything, regardless of how much I demand perfection. Uncontrollables are always going to go down, so just accept that fact and don’t let them cloud your reactions. Another plus is that you’ll learn from those mistakes (theoretically) – never to experience them again.

Mar 11, 2013
Paul Boupha

30-Day Blog Challenge: 02

Song on Repeat ATM: Justin Timberlake – Suit & Tie
DAYUM he’s back with a murderous vengeance. I wish I were as cool as this f’ing guy haha.

Day 02: Something you regret not having done last year.
It’s hard to imagine how my life at this time last year was so different from today. On the other hand, it would be a shame if my life were to remain so stable and constant that year upon year would appear unchanging. Out of all the many downfalls and mistakes made in 2012, I most regret allowing my hatred for another person to control my emotions and drive my actions. I don’t want others to be in control of me in any shape or form. True, Evil guides your hand to perform many things you’d rather not; however, it was up to me to be stronger and more resilient.

I wasn’t cunning enough. Patient enough. Though I hope I’ve learned my lesson and am consciously working to apply these practices into my everyday.

Mar 10, 2013
Paul Boupha

Late Night, On My Mind

Funny how it takes only one person, one moment and circumstance, to carry you from the over the moon to the lowest of lows. So far, this weekend has been a yo-yo of emotions. Praying for a happier tomorrow.

Mar 8, 2013
Paul Boupha

30-Day Blog Challenge: 01

Preface: I regret this commitment already haha.
Must wake up early for class tomorrow, but I’m resolved to write this nonetheless.

Day 01: Something you’re looking forward to this year.

2013 is definitely a year of change and new experiences. I came into January with this expectation and have seen it proven correct so far. I’ve met a lot of new people in advertising. Some will make it far, some have a really long way to go (and it’ll be fun seeing how/if they improve). It’s been fun socializing and networking, but I’m still more excited to get the heck out of here.

I know it’s a downer move on my part, but I repeat, I am not falling in love with this city as most others do. I kid you not, SAN FRANCISCO IS THE SAME AS SEATTLE. From the people to the culture, there is no drastic difference. Though I’m getting a lot out of my education, and the positive things that I am doing are driven mostly through my own actions – independent of this city. Thus, I owe no allegiance here.

By the end of December, I will have known where my studies will whisk me off to next. The goal is London, Hamburg, and Amsterdam in that order. I intend to be Europe-bound by 2014. If not, I’ll see you in New York. I’m more excited to live in those places than here. San Francisco has just been a stepping stone in my life, though I’m still very happy and fortunate to have experienced this city.

I’m making it sound as if I were getting on a plane and bouncing at the next given moment, but really, I’ve only been here three months. I have another nine to go. We’ll see if my feelings change or if some miraculous happenings come flooding my way, however I tend to mostly be right on my initial gut reactions.

Mar 6, 2013
Paul Boupha

Yeah, I’m Doing it Again

I am in dire need of a new Facebook profile pic. Haha. It’s sad to think that these are the types of woes our generation faces…………but no really, I need a new profile pic.

With that first paragraph, you could have gleaned that I’ve been running out of topics to write about lately. Ergo, I’ve decided to institute yet another 30-Day blogging challenge in the hopes of getting me re-inspired. If more pressing news or worthy entry topics arise, they will supersede this exercise. Until then, this will help give me something to blab about for my nightly writing. So here we goooo:

Day 01: Something you’re looking forward to this year.
Day 02: Something you regret not having done last year.
Day 03: Something with which you struggle.
Day 04: Something that is part of your routine that you enjoy.
Day 05: Something in life that gives you balance.
Day 06: Something that excites you and fills you with joy.
Day 07: Start a story with: “He glanced at his watch impatiently…”
Day 08: Write about a stranger you see, their back-story or what they are thinking in the moment you see them.
Day 09: Write a story based on a dream you had.
Day 10: Something at which you’ve been a champion or the best.
Day 11: Something about which people seem to compliment you.
Day 12: Something you hope to change about yourself and why.
Day 13: Discuss some of the things on your bucket list.
Day 14: Someone who has made your life worth living.
Day 15: A band/musical artist whose music impacted your life.
Day 16: A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
Day 17: Someone with whom you shared a friendship/relationship that simply drifted out of your life.
Day 18: Someone you met randomly that’s made an impact on your life.
Day 19: Something that shook your belief system to its core (a big disappointment in your life).
Day 20: Discuss your favorite movie and why it’s so special to you.
Day 21: Write about your best friend (not significant other) and what makes them special.
Day 22: Describe a dark/turbulent moment in your life.
Day 23: Describe a truly spiritual moment in your life.
Day 24: Discuss a spontaneous moment in your life that that turned out to be fantastic.
Day 25: Discuss something you planned that ended up not being what you expected.
Day 26: How do you handle/deal with both success and failure?
Day 27: What is your vocation (why are you here on earth)?
Day 28: What is your biggest dream in life (what one great thing do you want to accomplish)?
Day 29: What WAS your biggest dream in life (you wanted to do as a kid but no longer can)?
Day 30: Someone in your family that means so much to you.
Day 31: Epilogue: Write a letter to yourself.

…of course my lazy ass is going to start doing this tomorrow and not tonight. Sorrys.

Mar 5, 2013
Paul Boupha

Pointless Entry but Writing Exercise Nonetheless

Sleep schedule a bit f’d. It’s unfortunate how I feel like I’ve no energy or time to post a meaningful entry, but I’ve been getting to bed at later hours recently while still having to wake up early the next day. Tonight is also under the same circumstances unfortunately. Nighty, night.

Actually – random observation – ever since I’ve been associating with these international mothers day-in and day-out, I’ve found my sentence structure warping from good ol’ Amurican English to gods know what. Whether that’s a good thing or not, I’ve yet to decide. Though it’s pretty fun to exercise something new.

Mar 1, 2013
Paul Boupha

Been Busy Lately

I haven’t been this swamped and tired in a while. Kinda miss the feeling, although it also grants me the opportunity to cherish being in a scholastic environment again. This is a time when the pressures of the real world don’t have to matter as much. I would do well to remember that.

At any rate, busy weeks to come with the end of the quarter drawing near. There are many assignments down the road that I am excited for, yet at the same time, I can’t wait to just get them over with. I’m looking forward to a trip back to Vegas, so I can finally start saving some money again.

Feb 28, 2013
Paul Boupha

No Subject. Just Random. Mind is Blank.

Random thoughts listed in bullet form:

1) How’d a cut this random cut on my wrist?
2) I’ve been eating like a boar lately (that’s a good thing).
3) When am I gonna get the chance to workout tomorrow?
4) I must iron my clothes.
5) Art doesn’t always translate into advertising. Those who realize this will excel faster.
6) How do I deep-clean my retainers?
7) I prefer these nonsensical entries over dramatic ones because it indicates a lack of drama in my life.


PAUL BOUPHA |王志明 | อัศวิน

001. hometown: las vegas, nevada
002. current: new york city, new york
003. univ. of washington: business degree 2009
004. career: senior ad exec turned copywriter