Browsing articles from "January, 2008"
Jan 25, 2008
Paul Boupha

Wow, I don’t remember the last time I left the U.District for recreation.
I think I’ll go down to Chinatown for dinner tonight. Cow tongue = OoOoooo…

Also, I might be jinxing it but it’s starting to get a little warmer. Has anyone else noticed? The sun has been out a bit more, heating up the earth’s surface. Excellent. I hope frisbee and shorts season comes early. I desperately want to take a road trip to the Oregon coast and go hiking.

What the crap, why am I talking about all these fun things already? Haha.
I have to sort through the chaos first before I can even get my hopes up.
On a brighter note, this entry has established some goals I can possibly work toward.

Edit: I spoke too soon. After checking the weather, I discovered that it’s going to rain and snow for the next week straight. Brilliant.

Jan 24, 2008
Paul Boupha

Today was especially exhausting. I keep realizing my bad habits the hard way. From now on, to lessen the confusion, I shall respond to emails right away with at least an acknowledgment that I received them. There were a lot of people who were pissed at me because I neglected to do this. I guess I’ve just been so accustomed to never replying to emails that don’t require a response. This was typically the mindset of people in college that I never stopped to question whether the business world behaved in the same manner. BUT! I was wrong and from it there comes a lesson learned.

However, that’s only one of the things piling up my stress meter. Clubs and homework(s) are beginning to be too much for me to handle. I was considering cutting some of the major organizations out of my calendar, but when I came down to analyze their significance, it turns out that I just go to a lot of meetings that waste my time. Unfortunately, they’re all essential so they can’t be missed. If I HAD to start cutting down, I think JSA would be the first to go. Besides, I’m living with the president any way. I’d also cut out ASC Sports Day. Actually…I’m pretty positive that I WILL be dropping that one due to time constraints.

The major killer is the marketing class though. Opting to become the group leader probably wasn’t the best choice, but I don’t regret it because already I have observed that I am the only one who would have done the optimal job. Furthermore, I haven’t even begun to become swamped in academia, but once midterm season comes about, I’m sure that I’ll be going through some extensive aggravation. Please bear that in mind with the tone of my entries.

I looked in the mirror the other day and I found a couple of white hairs in my eyebrow. What the heck? Was it from the snow of Whistler, or is it from this hectic schedule? There’s just too much…too much going on in my life right now. But I guess I asked for it. Overall, deep down inside I know that this is the lifestyle that I chose to live and choose to enjoy ~ making me feel the most alive.

Transitioning to a more uplifting note, I did rediscover an effective mode of relaxation. After reading several chapters of my dry economics text, which was precluded by 8 hours of straight schedule crunching, I told myself that I needed to take a break. Of all the things I could have done: Facebook, Myspace, MSN, etc., I chose to call up an old friend and y’know I found that it did just the trick to boost my spirits. Doing it every once and a while is immensely refreshing. I know that I’m a big advocate for ‘moving on’ and ‘never letting the past hold you back’, but dipping into joyful memories every now and then with someone can be just the pick-me-up that cures even the toughest case of exhaustion.

I just thought that was worth mentioning, and hopefully I’ll be reminded to do it again next time I’m in a jam.

Jan 22, 2008
Paul Boupha

Back from the Great White North ~
The mountain was amazing, and I got to enjoy the scenery to the fullest extent like I’ve never done before. I guess this time around I just took the time to sit and relax. On another note, my snowboarding skills have moderately increased, but I still managed to wipe out enough times to keep me modest.

Although I can’t say that I’m fully rejuvenated, it was nice to forget about the troubles of home for a while. It’s sad, but now that I’m back, the work has already begun to pile up. There’s already a maelstrom of work both for school and the job. I’m going to start referring to my internship as a job; it’s a full time pain in the (_)_).

Any way, at least I got a few good pictures out of my vacation. Here’s the pic of the month as promised. Hopefully, this will become a fruitful habit that pays off for both you and me :

Jan 17, 2008
Paul Boupha

I’d better take at least ONE good picture this weekend at Whistler.
Three cheers for College Weekend! This is seriously my much needed vacation –

– barely three weeks into the quarter…

Jan 15, 2008
Paul Boupha




…I knew I had a horrible gut feeling about shipping them…
Isn’t it unfortunate how you regret not following your instincts until after the fact?

Jan 15, 2008
Paul Boupha

Good morning, Snow.
Every once and a while it’s refreshing to wake up to the white stuff.
Unfortunately, we never get enough for school canceling worthiness. Aaaaah well.

Jan 11, 2008
Paul Boupha

Life lessons are reaffirmed each day.

Friends are friends in a casual setting, but when business and deals come into play you’ll never know who’ll stab your back. I just got wounded, but now I know to never let it happen again.

Work and play are completely separate.

But you know, I’m pleased with my reaction with the whole ordeal. My new mentality is to take the high road. “I could fight, seek revenge, but that’s not who I am. No, I’m not giving in. I will rise above.” Don’t let the mediocrity of others allow you to fall from where you have worked so hard to achieve.

Jan 10, 2008
Paul Boupha

OMG my TV interview looked so tacky.
Hahaha live and learn I suppose.
Next time I’ll be more animated and less “like you know, whatever.”

PS. I’m the group leader for the consulting team. After years of backbone positions and only intra-recognition, I’ve finally stepped up to the limelight. But since the good ol’ high school days, can I still deliver a brilliant show?

Jan 8, 2008
Paul Boupha

I attended my first session of the Multicultural Business class today.

After receiving a stack of papers and due dates, I’m starting to feel like I got myself into something more than I can handle. Everything is so large and daunting; I don’t know if I can tackle all the stress of this whilst other obligations pile my way. Furthermore, I’m not the most confident in my group members, but I really want to pursue a leadership position. Should I step up and try assigning myself to being the leader of the group? The class is graded on constant scrutiny of its students. Those who perform get the grade – actually sounds rather cutthroat. Stepping up could mean a higher grade and overall benefits for me through doing something I thoroughly enjoy. However, I’m not too sure I can handle the task. I’m rather scared. Surely I’ll run into issues where people won’t follow through on their tasks. If this happens I don’t know how I would resolve it without making myself look like an a”hole, really defacing myself in front of the alumni, mentors, and rotary club members. Another obstacle would be those also seeking to get group leader status. How can I prove myself more deserving of them when I doubt myself even now?

Overall, this is just an entry of my anxiety. I want to feel accomplished and challenge myself to my highest potential, but I’m scared of the repercussions of failure. A natural response yet nonetheless difficult to overcome.

Jan 7, 2008
Paul Boupha

07 days shy of a timely New Year’s Resolution, but…!

I need to take more pictures in general.
So be it resolved that I post at least ONE new picture in this journal each month.


PAUL BOUPHA |王志明 | อัศวิน

001. hometown: las vegas, nevada
002. current: new york city, new york
003. univ. of washington: business degree 2009
004. career: senior ad exec turned copywriter