Browsing articles from "October, 2008"
Oct 31, 2008
Paul Boupha

After working long and hard, I didn’t even get an interview from Accenture. It makes me wonder, if all I’ve done is even worth it? Or am I even going down the right path?

I know, I shouldn’t mope just because of some rejection, but all I can do from here is accept the reality and muster the strength, pick myself up, and try-try again.

…one Happy Halloween.

Oct 30, 2008
Paul Boupha

On occasion, people can just piss you off so much, from their actions, their words, and their overall mentality on life.

Yet I found it better to think in the long-run. Although they may frustrate you in the moment, it’s obvious that others stand witness to their behavior as well. Thus they can form their own opinions on that person. Although I can explode and retaliate in anger and frustration, I realize I would be more satisfied through merely raising my chin and acknowledging that I’m above it all.

Some people deserve to be looked down upon. Disregarding ethnicity, gender, or affluency, look down on those who lack the character to be a civilized human being. I would impart this suggestion unto you.

Oct 20, 2008
Paul Boupha

I’ve become too complacent on my success – my strengths. I feel as if I could ride along life easily and everything will go my way. This is a dangerous mindset, and inevitably it was the grave that I dug for myself this evening.

I went through mock interviews with Accenture today, the company I aspire to work for. Suffice it to say, I got my ass handed to me on a platter. Although I had practiced, my efforts weren’t enough. Although I had researched, none of it came out the way I wanted. All my peers delivered their interviewed in flawless victory, which burns my wound even more. Not to say that I am not happy for their success, I am just disappointed in that I wasn’t able to keep up with them. All this time, I’ve been resting on my laurels and basking in all the success that I’ve received while others have worked hard to get to where they are as well. I lost sight of hard work and have forgotten that it is required for success.

Yet on the bright side, I see this as a fortunate occurrence. If I were not as humbled as I am now, I would still be living in the dark and be set up for an even bigger crash later down the road. I’m glad that I forced myself to go through these nerve-racking mock interviews and live through the frustration that I am feeling now. Sometimes, I just need a kick in the ass to get my act together, and I’m going to take this night as just that. My dedication to school, work, and career are back – and I will no longer linger and hope for the best through luck alone.

Carve my own destiny through hard work and perseverance! Because (I’ll call upon my favorite quote once more): ‘ It’s not the height of your logic, rather the depth of your conviction. ‘

Oct 17, 2008
Paul Boupha


Oct 12, 2008
Paul Boupha

Long overdue for a blogging, I suppose. Speaking of which, I have to start talking in absolutes. No more ‘I thinks’ or ‘I suppose’ ‘s…at least I’ll try.

At any rate, job hunting begins now. Rather, it began last week while revising my resume vigorously. I can’t help but compare this with 4 years ago while we were all looking for colleges to apply to. In a way, job hunting is the same type of stress while at the same time it feels like everything has come full circle.

I’ll be applying for whatever marketing jobs are out there. Preferably, it’ll be at Accenture or some other type of consulting firm. One day my aspirations are in international relations, but it seems this is everyone else’s dreams too. Americans seem to be finding more means of escaping America. Sigh.

Either way. Stress, stress, stress. I can’t believe I’m graduating so soon because it seems like only yesterday I was blogging about how my dorm life sucked or how much I missed high school. Haha…it’s all so silly now that I reminisce, but all so pivotal to who knows what kinda life I lead now hah. Any way, more job researching at Odegaard awaits.

Oct 4, 2008
Paul Boupha

Random tidbit:


Robert Santos, a Filipino weather forecaster from Las Vegas has moved over to Seattle’s KOMO 4 news. I turned on the tv this evening, and got a little confused but happily surprised at the same time. Just felt the need to blog about it. Hah.

PAUL BOUPHA |王志明 | อัศวิน

001. hometown: las vegas, nevada
002. current: new york city, new york
003. univ. of washington: business degree 2009
004. career: senior ad exec turned copywriter