Browsing articles from "May, 2008"
May 30, 2008
Paul Boupha

The world is challenging me.

May 26, 2008
Paul Boupha

How do you know when you’ve crossed the line from standing up for something you know is correct and acting like a smart ass?

Am I to sit back and allow others to ‘dumb me down’ just because I know better than them about a certain subject, and they can’t stand to hear the truth and facts? I mean, I know that people feel as if they’re right all the time. We as a human society don’t like to be wrong, but honestly, if I didn’t know something I would admit it. Conversely when I do know, I feel like it’d benefit others if they knew too (only if the conversation permits such information to be introduced though of course). Is it not my business to correct the inaccuracy of others? Is keeping my mouth shut while sitting there listening to a conversation with full awareness that the other guy has nooo idea what he’s talking about, the only true and valiant behavior for these situations?

Really, can I get some opinions here? I keep saying that I don’t enjoy the company of know-it-alls, but after being called one myself this evening, I’m ready to reevaluate my personality so I do not end up being that which I have lobbied to dislike.

May 26, 2008
Paul Boupha

I feel a little inspired by all the things I’ve seen today.
I can’t wait to get my canvas and start going at it anew.

I love their designs. Branding as art, at its finest.

Countdown: 6 days.

May 25, 2008
Paul Boupha

I just can’t get enough of Seattle waterfront pictures.
This pic is real blurry but charming nevertheless,
like a mosaic or something.

May 25, 2008
Paul Boupha

Jason Mraz:
We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things

His new album is goood. Makes you feel all leisurely inside. Not like ‘Mr. A-Z’ where I kinda thought he was trying too hard. Good job this is very iPod worthy.

May 24, 2008
Paul Boupha

3 thoughts:

1. I’m long overdue to post a picture on this blog.


3. but at what price?

May 20, 2008
Paul Boupha

I care so little about school right now.
Well, specifically, I care so little about my intl. studies class.

I will do everything in my power to put off my final paper!
Where did this new, lazy Paul come from? When and how was he grown n’ fed?!

Even after cutting back on activities and organizations, events still find their way to make my life a busy mess (yet exciting, don’t get me wrong). If next year promises to be even busier, then how am I ever going to cope and drudge through my final year of college. My grades will beyond a doubt begin to plummet…


Why have I been wasting so much money lately? Every day I waste money on food. I suppose that’s what I should be wasting money on, but still, I feel bad for using up so much in so little time. I ought to be conservative and keep in mind that I will be traveling around the world again and that requires intense financial prepping. Instead, I squander money on event after event, bar after bar, luxury after luxury that will, in the end, just result in me complaining about it in blog entries such as this. I think I am going to have to take steps to moderate my spending…limit my cash on hand and the amount of credit card spending that I can do. Cut out events in my life that are not necessary, but then again, aren’t they all pretty damn necessary? I feel so screwed. Yes. Pretty royally screwed at the moment in every aspect that comes to school and money. Woe is me, I am totally embodying that state of being.

May 20, 2008
Paul Boupha

The construction has finally finished at my apartment, and I am finally able to see the sky. No longer do I live in a bubble, but my enjoyment for this will only be short-lived, considering how soon I’m moving – though not soon enough. Overall, I’ll miss this place and its environment.

May 14, 2008
Paul Boupha

Maaan I never thought I’d ever say that I want to cook my own food. I’m so tired of eating out, and I feel like my wallet is dying. The only reason I’m not cooking for myself already is that my kitchen in the present disgusts me. Soon, very soon I’ll be able to cook with leisure and not have to waste all my money on sit-downs restaurants.

May 13, 2008
Paul Boupha

Fall Quarter 2008:

  • MKTG 340: Advertising
  • FIN 350: Business Finance
  • SIS 490: Legal Tradition in China: Comparative Legal Orders

    Haha. Why do international studies courses feel the need to make such lofty titles? Maybe it makes them feel more important. Any way. I’ve yet to enroll in SIS490 and am using SIS200: States and Capitalism in its stead as a placeholder. I think this will be the last, last SIS class I’ll take because I’m planning on dropping my minor. Turns out I need 3 instead of 2 more classes to graduate with my minor, and after taking this quarter’s “Making of the 21st Century” class, I have come to realize that I learned everything being taught from taking the upper-division courses already. Moreless, they’re just supplying me with busy work and trying to weed me out, although I’ve already proven myself capable from taking the higher level classes beforehand. Weird. Oh well.

    Essentially if I do drop my minor, I will have a lighter course load for the rest of my college career, taking only 3 classes a quarter (all in “Balmer High”) up until graduation. If I end up becoming ASC Director, I will have to juggle that with being AKPsi’s social chair, making me busy enough as it is for my final year even without a minor.

    As a matter of fact, dropping it will not even affect me in the long-term because I’ll still place it on my resume. No one will actually go out of their way and check my school records for consistency. Besides, I feel completely competent in the subject. I just do not feel the need to be exerted in taking classes in order to quantify how knowledgeable I am.

    In the end, that’s how my schedule looks. I can’t believe I’m almost down to my senior year of college already. Where has the time gone, and why is this roller coaster constantly speeding up? Sooner than you know it, I will start posting entries about my first’s in the ‘real world.’ That is something scary to anticipate, so I should stop right here and actually get back to my response paper ~ drown myself in schoolwork to help avoid over-analyzing life once again, something that I often do.

  • Pages:12»

    PAUL BOUPHA |王志明 | อัศวิน

    001. hometown: las vegas, nevada
    002. current: new york city, new york
    003. univ. of washington: business degree 2009
    004. career: senior ad exec turned copywriter