Browsing articles from "January, 2009"
Jan 28, 2009
Paul Boupha

I thought this scene was so hilarious hahahaha!

Jan 27, 2009
Paul Boupha

I experienced a rare occurrence a moment ago that I felt was so important, it demanded its own entry. I haven’t noticed this quality in a person in so long that I literally had forgotten such people even existed.

I spoke with someone today who was genuinely kind. In fact, he inspired me to act in goodwill and strive to become a better man through his actions alone. Lost in a world of shallowness and struggling to get to the top, you forget that there are still some out there who are selfless for the sake of being selfless. Natural good does exist, and I was reminded of that today. Yet it’s a challenging concept to grasp, actually. Why would you ever do something for someone if it doesn’t benefit you in return? If you think to yourself, all your actions somehow lead back to your own betterment — at least mine have in the past several months.

It was an extreme slight of chance that I sparked a conversation with this person today. In trying to achieve something for my own end, he came in and reminded me of how I should behave – on what qualities I should be valuing. You try and stay consistent by remaining in this moral ideal, but every now and then you need that kick in the ass to get you back on track. I’m thankful for that, and I’m thankful such people still exist (although a rare breed) in society today.

Jan 25, 2009
Paul Boupha

Stupid Skittles commercial with the Asian tailor…
They’re not even speaking the same language to each other! Urgh haha…

I’m post a thoughtful entry soon, promise.

Jan 23, 2009
Paul Boupha

I wish I had more opportunities to practice my Chinese.
I wish I had more outlets to learn Chinese.

Cry, cry.

Jan 20, 2009
Paul Boupha

Never got any credit or thanks for my hard work; rather, it all went to my partner instead. I’m speaking particularly of planning Whistler both in terms of grunt logistics to use of delegation. But I remind myself that it’s a year of humbleness, and I am striving to fight against caring for moments like this. On the contrary, I’ll have to learn to appreciate and want this more.

Jan 5, 2009
Paul Boupha

Never thought I’d be so un-enthused to go back to work.

Jan 2, 2009
Paul Boupha

Aim low and you shall be rewarded with high results.

Jan 1, 2009
Paul Boupha

Why am I always hungry? This is so annoying.
There has to be something out there that will lower metabolism.
I like eating. I just don’t want to become consumed by my consumption.

PAUL BOUPHA |王志明 | อัศวิน

001. hometown: las vegas, nevada
002. current: new york city, new york
003. univ. of washington: business degree 2009
004. career: senior ad exec turned copywriter