Browsing articles from "December, 2006"
Dec 31, 2006
Paul Boupha

I couldn’t really put it into words before
but what I miss most about Vegas is the panorama of
oil black sky pierced by golden stars lining the hills,
all of which experienced while driving home at 3am.

Dec 28, 2006
Paul Boupha

Is it free to receive calls internationally?

Dec 18, 2006
Paul Boupha

The result of last quarter wasn’t as bad as I expected:

  • MATH111 (Business Math): 3.6
  • ACCTG215 (Financial Accounting): 3.4
  • MGMT200 (Introduction to Law): 3.2

    I worked my arse off for math and I understand why I got a 3.5.
    I pretty much flunked the first midterm! Sigh…
    I seriously think I could have ended up with a 3.8 if the first test wasn’t so blah. But no matter I think I rebounded and am happy with that score.

    I am the MOST AMAZED by accounting.
    I didn’t understand anything during that class but I totally mastered the final exam. Plus I really think the 3.0 curve really helped a lot.

    On the contrary, I am most surprised by law (in a bad way).
    I studied like mega for this class and understood all the material.
    However, the tricky tests and pop quizzes got the best of me and I was only able to get slightly above the curve. Actually…I’m the first person above the 3.0 curve WAH AH AHA.
    But still…3.2 is definitely not what I expected.
    I guess the curve worked against my favor in this situation.

    Overall, for this being the killer quarter, I think I did pretty well.
    I managed to stay out of the 2.0-3.0 ranges for each class and my cumulative GPA only slightly dropped. Let’s see if next quarter can measure up to through the witchcraft of this quarter:

  • MATH112 (Business Calculus)
  • ACCTG225 (Managerial Accounting)
  • PHIL242 (Philosophy of Medicine)
  • Dec 6, 2006
    Paul Boupha

    Ok seriously…
    the only things relatively close to Korea-fied about me are my glasses and FOB jacket, both of which I got from Thailand. I don’t appreciate it when people call me “Korean-wanna Be” when I don’t even conciously try to be one. Just because I’m studying the language doesn’t mean anything either sigh…

    In addition, let me clarify that I do not think anything is wrong with Koreans. Just that it took me by surprise that people had come up and told me about my seemingly faux Korea appearance, in which I promptly responded with, “What the crap?? How so?” Haha.

    Looking on the bright side, perhaps now if I go into a Korean restaurant, the owners might think me ‘one of them’ and give me the special discount. Sweeeeet.

    Dec 3, 2006
    Paul Boupha

    Urgh. Why can I not focus on law? I’ll do this survey instead:

    Who Was Your Last //

    1. Hung out with?
    the roomates. who else? haha maybe jared actually.

    2. Rode in a car with?
    travis. we went to the dmv

    3. Went to the movies with?
    jared, wing, maishia, tiffany to watch borat! “do not fear me, gypsy”

    1. Do you like anyone?
    no. i hate all. haha same as acel

    2. Sun or moon?
    moon. nights are so much more memorable

    3. Winter or Fall?
    winter. b/c it’s so much closer to spring.

    4. Left or right?
    right. b/c it’s the right choice.

    5. 10 acquaintances or two best friends?
    2 best friends. unless the 10 acquaintances doubled every hour. MULTIPLICATIVE SEQUENCE math111 i should also be studying for…

    6. Sunny or rainy?
    both… i seem to already get that here ha!

    7. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?
    chocolate b/c once you go black, you never go back

    A B O U T . Y O U.
    1. What time is it?

    2. Whats your first name?

    3. Where do you live?

    4. How many kids do you want?
    Two so I can make them battle

    5. Do you want to get married?
    who doesn’t?

    6. Church?

    7. Current mood?
    lazy. so so lazy. i just wanna play final fantasy 12 or watch my newly downloaded korean movies.


    1. Sang
    yes. i’m singing right now. who isn’t actually?!

    2. Been hugged?
    not since my birthday how sad… i’m gonna go hug someone tomorrow.

    4. Missed someone?
    i miss everyone @ home

    5. Crazy danced?
    every day. i play some pretty crazy music in my room when i’m getting dressed wah h aha

    6. Gotten your hair cut?
    i was supposed to today but i cancelled the appointment due to …ionno laziness hah. sigh

    7. Cried?
    when i watched wontak’s angel (korean movie of course!)

    . S T U F F .
    1. Have you ever been searched by the cops?
    somewhat. hah ever so long ago

    2. Do you have a dog?
    yessum. snoopy.

    3. When’s the last time you’ve been sledding?
    sledding? who does that. I GO SNOWBOARDING

    4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
    someone else cuz it’s cold and lonely…

    5.Do you believe in ghosts?
    yes. i lived in a haunted room this summer while i was selling books. “goodnight, grandma” hahaha

    6. Do you consider yourself creative?
    yes. but then i go around campus and see all this creative type stuff and i’m either inspired or smacked in the face. sighh

    7. Who do you want to be with right now?
    daruma only knows, there tiffany you get an insight on what i wished for


    I think I’ve done all the law I can do tonight. I just have to take one math practice exam, and I think I’m going to call it a night. I wish I could stay up and just play videogames, but chyeah that’s obviously a bad choice. Finals week approaches – one more week away – one final this Friday, Saturday and then Tuesday – Blah! This quarter (cliche’ yes but) went by so freaking fast! All my classes were murder and I chose to continue the sequence for next quarter as well. Weeee! No matter. So far classes and the social life are pretty unpredictable. Let’s see how the rest of the year will turn out. I remember I changed quite a bit from fall to spring last year so I want to see how I develop this year in comparison. In the mean time, I just can’t wait to go home. I don’t have a car anymore so I don’t think I’ll be going out much but for sure I’ll just love sitting around and seeing old faces, catching up on old times, and/or talking as if nothing had even really changed since high school. I mean that in a good aspect! We all need to chill a little and that time for me is fast approaching. Sweet.

    Dec 1, 2006
    Paul Boupha

    BAHUMBUG!! I am never taking another class that has pop quizzes ever again!

    …or at the very least I’ll learn how to increase my clairvoyant abilities and predict when they will happen.

    PAUL BOUPHA |王志明 | อัศวิน

    001. hometown: las vegas, nevada
    002. current: new york city, new york
    003. univ. of washington: business degree 2009
    004. career: senior ad exec turned copywriter