Jul 11, 2013
Paul Boupha

Mosquitos and Wounds that Won’t Heal

Several random things in my life. The focus has been school lately, but even I’m getting sick of talking about it all the time. Let’s focus on some other things happening in my life.

Immediately on my mind is the fact that my apartment is infested with mosquitoes. I’ve never had to live in a place in America so riddled with them. I wake up in the middle of the night hearing buzzing against my ear. Absolute hate. Even after I think I’ve found and killed them all, I find their bites and bumps popping up all over my face and neck. It’s not a good look. Need to buy bug killers for this.

The next most immediate aggravation is a wound I’ve had on my leg since the Fourth of July. I foolishly climbed out of an apartment window and climbed a fire escape to reach the roof of a building. In the process, I stabbed my leg against…something? Thus, the result was a bloody leg and gnarly scab. All in all, it looks like shit. It’s also really itchy. Even though it’s been cold and windy in the city, I’ve been wearing short pants to let the wound breathe. Might I add that liquid bandages are not as amazing as I once believed.

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PAUL BOUPHA |王志明 | อัศวิน

001. hometown: las vegas, nevada
002. current: new york city, new york
003. univ. of washington: business degree 2009
004. career: senior ad exec turned copywriter