Jul 9, 2013
Paul Boupha

Was meddling more trouble than it was worth?

I’ve been extremely stressed at school, even though it’s only been the second day. Because of schedule conflicts and a disgruntled student populace, I’ve been forced to change my schedule and argue with the administration. The issue is complex.

Everyone hates Everything is Media 1 because of a bad teacher. Everyone wants to be in Everything is Media 2. Everyone fights with the administration to get into Everything is Media 2, and they succeed. I was a lagger because I believed they would change me into Everything is Media 2 without hesitation. By the time I raise arms and demand getting in, the class is full. The only alternative is to disband Everything is Media 1 entirely. I accept. Thus, the entire class (now all 5 students) is sent into different directions. Everything is Media overall is a pivotal class for my quarter because it provides much needed 360 degree campaigns for my portfolio. However, I no longer have that and am left scrambling to find a substitute by my own devices.

Tis the summation of what caused me a lot of grief today. I suppose being in that small class would have been acceptable, but why would I pay such a large sum tuition not to be taught a damn thing? I suppose it was right of me not to be complacent, but as a student, I shouldn’t have to be dealing with these politics and schemes to begin with. Can’t I just concentrate on my education? Geez.

The night got even shittier. I was kept awake by a menacing mosquit; I got placed into a useless Improv class which conflicts with my work schedule and gives me no portfolio pieces; and when I finally did get to sleep, I woke up with a swollen eye.

If misery needs a muse, I can be its supermodel.

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PAUL BOUPHA |王志明 | อัศวิน

001. hometown: las vegas, nevada
002. current: new york city, new york
003. univ. of washington: business degree 2009
004. career: senior ad exec turned copywriter