Jan 26, 2007
Paul Boupha

I think philosophy is the most pointless subject.

Yes, I know it’s good to be intellectually stimulated by discussing topics in-depth or whatev. But when we just keep going around and around in circles, I really don’t see the point. People are going to spend more time arguing about a solution than actually going out and doing something about it. Not only that, but I find it so meaningless when one has to question EVERY SINGLE THING around them, how can one actually just sit back and enjoy life for what it is. Like…you question the origin of the chair and the morality of making chairs and whether the production of chairs is essential to society or whatnot OMG HOW STUPID. I seem to be the only business major in this class. Maybe that’s why I don’t see the intricacies of it. Either way, at every lecture I complain to myself about how I am wasting my time but it’s too late to drop the course. No matter. I’ll just have to tough it out until the end of the quarter, and now I know never to touch a philosophy course again. I don’t even get the type of credits I need to fulfill anything toward my graduating. POINTLESS INDEED.

This was more of a rant entry than anything – now it’s off to my philosophy quiz section where I can listen to people argue about insignificant subjects for the next hour.



I cooked my own concoction for the first time tonight!
I’m so proud of myself wah h ah ahaha!!!


  • so you’re taking this class just to take it? you’re nuts. i’m taking two philosophy courses this semester (because i have to) and it hurts my brain. to think about things being ‘logically sound’ and whether something is an argument? i guess i can see how this will help me become a political scientist/lawyer but it’s just so damn hard. we don’t talk about chairs in our class because the text we use tends to be more controversial (talking about abortions & what not) so it’s more interesting but there is a lot of argument because everbody has their own interpretation of what defines a fetus and blahhhhhhh blahhhhhh blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

  • Lol. People think too much. They just need to chill. XD

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PAUL BOUPHA |王志明 | อัศวิน

001. hometown: las vegas, nevada
002. current: new york city, new york
003. univ. of washington: business degree 2009
004. career: senior ad exec turned copywriter