May 5, 2005
Paul Boupha

i notice that this has turned out to become my ‘negative experiences’ journal


May 4, 2005
Paul Boupha

fef my cough.

i miss my rigorous speech & debate routine.
i miss my witty, spur-of-the-moment comebacks
i miss the ability to sing and scream

my dad says it’s some kind of flu?
i think i should just have a bunch of honey tea.
apparently that coats the throat? i don’t know.

Apr 24, 2005
Paul Boupha

I shouldn’t really give a damn
My life in Vegas was a sham.
I hope to get that fresh start in Seattle
but I shouldn’t run away from my past
but I shouldn’t have to live this odious life.
Who’s to say what’s best for me than Time herself.

Should I really give a damn? Should you?

Apr 7, 2005
Paul Boupha

…and the newest: MYSPACE
…plus give my regards to KEY CLUB

Apr 6, 2005
Paul Boupha

OMG I am in so much pain. The whole wisdom tooth process sucks.
First there is the initial day of horrible pain and pills.
That’s followed by days of being on a liquid diet although you crave everything you know you can’t have. Then after that’s over you wait 3-4 weeks later and then you face a 90% of getting an infection in the wound — which they have to pop with a scalpel and clog with packing — greeeeeeeeeeat!

Feb 24, 2005
Paul Boupha

The students of Clark high school…rather the Las Vegas community…rather the teenage population as a whole are stubborn and narrowminded – resistant to change and new experiences.

Cast away your vainful pride and just live a little.

Give me a shpeel about being Ayn Rand’s second-hander.

Feb 15, 2005
Paul Boupha

i can’t believe i have to tolerate this for another 5 weeks…

i’m spiritually dying a little bit inside each time.

arh why am i so angry!

Feb 1, 2005
Paul Boupha

Convention 2004-2005

Monday, April 4:
` Wow. Just got back from Key Club Convention. Some say that it wasn’t as good as last years, but I had a really good time. I’m at home reflecting, and yes, it was an awesome trip to say the least. It feels so weird not seeing everyone around. It feels weird having privacy again for once. I don’t wanna get down from this Convention high so I guess I’ll just give feedback on each of my days at Convention.

    Day 1: Bus Ride, Spirit Shirt Day
We met in Clark’s parking lot @ 12am. The buses took forever to come and it started to rain. Pretty cold but oh well. Nothing really exciting here. Once on the bus we all fell asleep. It was hard to really sleep though. I wasn’t used to the bus so I slept in half an hour intervals. Eventually, we got to California and started commenting on how everything just looked like Summerlin except for no mountains in the background. When we got to our hotel, however, the environment totally changed into “Chicago.” There were tall buildings and the weather was fair. We checked into our hotel rooms for the first time after a long wait in the lobby. Then after 10 minutes upon entering, we had the dirtiest room of them all! I think this is how we’d live if we were all in a fraternity with eachother. Haha…total chaos, but I liked it that way. We deemed our room the ‘party room’ because of our food and such. After settling in, we left to our first general meeting and caucus sessions. They were okay but we got our spirits going. I wish we would’ve had more people but for just one school representing itself, we did an awesome job. We finished and retired to our rooms again. Now the term “What happens in Sacramento, Stays in Sacramento” takes presidence. This experience was…um…awkward.

    Day 2: Business Formal Day
Woke up. This was the longest and most tiring day but also the best day. Went over to La-Bou Cafe were I had a bagel and coffee. Excellent, we were all like businessmen. After that we went to a caucus session and workshops. The workshops were nice because I got a chance to learn some great information and see a whole bunch of new faces. Following the workshops, we went back to the rooms where me and some others somewhat got hyped up and went on to furthur workshops. When those were over, we went back to our rooms yet again. The guys went out looking for a ‘place’ while I decided to change out of my shit attire. I borrowed Ja red’s shirt and got a new Clark bead necklace then I was ready to go. Looked as if I were going clubbin’ rather than being business formal but no matter. I thought I looked pretty fucking hot. HAHA!! Any way… I really got excited and extremely pumped up. We were outside the dining area waiting to go in when we started cheering. Imagine 70+ people in a division vs a 30 people from a single school. That was us and we owned them all! We got them silenced and got them staring. GG. One guy even came up to me and said he envied us and wanted to switch over. That was probably a highlight of the day. Afterward, I was really fired up, we started taking pictures with random girls. We started cheering like maniacs. We started acting like retards. It was wonderful. After that, our orginal plans went awry but no matter. We went to the dance instead. The was most definitely the best dance I’ve been to. Las Vegas is nothing. There were hordes of teens waiting outside a Roman styled building in the fair night air. Imagine a college library and that’s what the place looked like from the outside. The setting was perfect, we were all cheering and jumping around in crowds. Even fire trucks came to see what was going on. We finally got in and I saw that the setting was even MORE perfect. It was an oval-shaped theater with 3 levels. It looked rustic, it started getting crowded, started getting hot, and I was dressed ready to dance. Although a bit nervous at first, I broke out of my shell and made an ass of myself which is a good thing. Me and some others started going around getting all the random girls we could find to dance with. Haha…most excellent indeed. Who were they? I don’t know. But our actions surely earned us a reputation throughout the rest of the trip. Hahaha….The dance was awesome beyond further description so if you didn’t go, just know that you missed out HELLA ! We went to our rooms after and had some funny conversations then I went to sleep in the room next to mine for some reason. THIS WAS MOST DEFINITELY THE MOST AWESOME DAY OF CONVENTION.

    Day 3: Business Casual Day, Bus Ride
We all woke up late, I found out I lost my voice for the first time, and none of us were really spirited. No matter. I had really horrible allergies today and that wasn’t helping much either. Everything seemed to drag on and on. We got pretty good breakfast which I couldn’t enjoy because of allergies and we left the meetingroom early. We packed our dirty room and bid goodbye to all the Key Clubbers we met and competed against throughout Convention. We departed from Sacramento at this point. Half an hour later, at 12:40pm, our bus caught fire on the side of the bus where seat 44 was located. After that we were forced to get off the bus and wait for help. We noticed the date was 4-4-04 which means ‘death’ in Chinese superstition. Pretty freaky but it all worked out in the end we got a new bus and we were ready to continue our journey back home. Nothing spectacular throughout the rest of the trip except for a lot of napping and eating and napping. Everyone got to see my ‘Frankenstein’ video in which everyone adored heheh. I mingled somewhat with the Votech students, but other than that, there was nothing else that really stood out. At 12am we ended back at Clark High School. We got all our stuff and bid our farewells.

That brings us to the current time. I’m sitting here not wanting to go back to how it used to be and wanting to stay in that surreal life of Key Club Convention where there were no parents or concerns about projects and homework. I don’t wanna fall from this high, but sadly all great things must come to an end. It will feel incredibly weird not being able to see the people I’ve spent the past 3 days with. It’ll be weird sleeping in my own bed without 3 other guys in the room talking about weird and stupid stuff that’ll make me laugh. I enjoyed the opportunity to make an ass of myself knowing that I won’t be knowing or seeing any of those people ever again. But yeah…Las Vegas right back where we started from. I anticipate next year’s Convention. However, it won’t be the same without the beloved class of 04′

Jun 20, 2004
Paul Boupha

Livejournal is the cool man’s Xanga.

So much more complex. So much more to be customized.
However, I still refer you to my website instead of this shitemasu:

PAUL BOUPHA |王志明 | อัศวิน

001. hometown: las vegas, nevada
002. current: new york city, new york
003. univ. of washington: business degree 2009
004. career: senior ad exec turned copywriter